Monday, January 14, 2008

Positively Fifth Street By James McManus

I alternate my reading fiction first then non fiction and vow to read a lot more in '08. I definitely need to record what I read more. Fifth Street refers to the fifth community card laid down in Texas Hold em poker otherwise known as the "river". McManus was sent to report on the World Series Of Poker and a scandelous murder trial happening at the same time. the book starts out like gangbusters it has a crazy murder scene that is insane and rockin. but i didn't realize what the book was exactly it alternates between James entering of the tournement and how far he gets with this murder story. I was thrown off at first the tone changes wildly paragraph to paragraph its memoir, no its a history of poker no its a how to book. It never lost me. The poker sequences were my favorite and i wish it stayed with that but that was not what this book is. I did really enjoy the shout outs to other books in this vein ( Into thin Air, Among The Thugs, and of course Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas) Hunter Thompson's ghost is all over this book try as it might though it never reaches that book.


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