Cell By Stephen King
The latest book by Stephen King is cell. Now cell may refers to cell phones but it could just as well refer to terrorist sleeper cells or cells in our body. It is dedicated to Richard Matheson and George Romero. So you know off the bat where this story's head is at. This is just a fun light weight reading. That is no slight at all against this book. My blog is named Story Time for a reason this a great story. The re is not more than three pages before you are dumped into the action and the entire arc lasts only twenty one days although it seems much longer because of the epic events. The story in a nutshell is some kind of pulse goes out over all the cell phones in the world that causes its users to go crazy and violent. King is the Stephen Spielberg of the book world there is no one better at showing us ordinary Americans in extraordinary circumstances it is truly a gift because if you can not relate to these characters then the you can not enjoy the ride. I still keep looking at everyone who is on their phone with suspicion wondering alright I better stay from her or she'll bite my jugular when the pulse goes off but it is real fun. This book coming so close to War of the Worlds is weird because here comes the spoiler alert the end has been called a disappointment because there is no explanation as to why this has all happened. Once you realize that the ending is going to be left up in the air you either have to get over it or kind of finish it in your mind. I know King probably has received flak over this but what the hell he has more money than god and can do whatever he wants anyway I dug it honestly I don't' want everything spelled out for me. I only had problem with War of the worlds because the son being alive and waiting at the end seemed like such a cop out. I consider these book like All That YouLeft Behind by U2 bear with me after a couple of experimental phases and 10 years away from their signature sound u2 came back with one of their most popular albums in a long time . I predict that this will do the same with King sure the Dark Tower will always have its fans but lets face it King is is KING because he scares the shit out of us. This book does that Thanks Stephen.