What I've been reading
I haven't updated this blog in a while but thats because my pc has been down just want to let you know what I've been reading first up was "Fiasco: A history of Hollywood's Iconic Flops" by James Robert Parish. Its an overview of different the most notorious disasters in Hollywood history we are talking Elizabeth taylor's Cleopatra, Waterworld , and of course Ishtar. The Bonfire of the Vanities is missing because its been covered in other books. The best thing about the book is that it in chronological order so Cleopatra losing $40 million is nothing compared to Town & Country's $200 million. It is also intriguing how the same elements that contribute to one movie like The Godfather could be its selling point and really help its success could be in another movie like The Cotton Club be the very thing that makes it all go up in flames. One thing I've learned is a big ego is really dangerous I mean in the Last Action Hero you have Schwarznegger's hand in everything down to the pose his character is in the poster. The coomon denominator in all these movies is the failure for the persons involved to just comunicate on a basic level. The next book I read was Staring at Sounds by Jim DeRogatis. I reaaly love the Flaming Lips right now. Their music is just the right combination of orchastral pop jazz and silliness that I like. The fact that this was a one hit wonder in 93 that managed to come back and be one of Rocks shining lights right now without many hit singles juast great albums is a great story in itself add the fact they did this for Oklahoma not New York Or LA and have had real human problems just makes you want to root for them some more. I know this book is fluff but no apologies I don't tell the reading god what book is going to take my fancy.