Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Chuck Klosterman IV by Chuck Klosterman(of Course)

I didn't want to read this as my next book. i dig Klosterman and have read most of what he has wriiten whether it was in Spin or Esquire and thought that this was just a collection of those pieces. it is but its more every piece has an introduction letting you know where Chuck's head was that when he wrote it behind the scenes stuff and updates. Kind of the DVD version of the interviews plus I loved the format of the book. it was cool and really fun. Now about Klostermani really feel like i discovered him I found Fargo rock City while i was setting up a borders in Minnesota and there was a dude ther that really LOVED GNR so i showed him the book thinking he should read it. Chuck's next book Sex, drugs and Cocopuffs got more publicity it was the Jodhua Tree for chuck his breakthrough he was getting name checked on the OcC and Entertainment weekly but i couldn't feel like he "sold out " i loved his voice so here is his boxed Set so to speak and yeah i like it like i like A greates Hits by my favorite band with some B sides I haven't heard.

Red Weather By Pauls Toutonghi

Another coming of age story this time it is more about a secod generation American with Parents from Latvia. Yuri is a freshman in millwaukee who really has no apreciation for what his parents went through to give him a piece of the american dream. this guy really bugged me and frustrated at times ut in the way a guy you like screws up and won't stop no matter what you tell him. the message of the story is simple but it had a kind of charm. i dug the fact that it had a real sense of time and place.lets face it Milwaukee in the late 80's is not the most glamorous setting. i could feel the cold reading this book. The book's strength's are definitely in the characters the writing style reminded me of Augustun Burroughes and Jonathen Letham. there was one weird thing there is a kind of love triangle that a lot is made of and kind of came out of nowhere and never really went anywhere if you read this book and know what I am talking about please tell me what is the point of that? I do reccomend this It is the kind of book that this blog is about a little book that needs all the love and attention we can give.